Purton Parish Council has the pleasure and responsibility for maintenance and enhancement, where feasible, for several open spaces within Purton including The Dingle, The Paddock, Harvest Water and Harold Waldron’s Wall.
An open space owned by Purton Parish Council located next to Purton Village Hall to the rear of the car park. A managed useable space for outdoor learning by young children within Purton.The Council agreed to the use of this outdoor space to encourage young children to learn and grow in the great outdoors in a controlled, supervised environment.
Large tyres have been placed in The Paddock and filled with seeds to demonstrate to children the principles and understanding of where their food and plants/flowers come from.
Seeds will be sown, composting with worms will be watched, stream dipping undertaken and a short safe walk from their class environment.
Trial Session
The first trial took place on 2nd July 2019 with the amazingly well behaved children from Peardrop Childcare. 8 Children entered the area with awe and excitement. They were mesmerised with the hidden gem that was now open to them to explore. Tiny hands watered the plants, sowed seeds, found bugs, played games, made garden crowns and flags, and were delighted in this amazing outdoor adventure.
The Dingle was part of the original Cricket Field which formed the home of the Purton Cricket Club in 1820. The area now known as the Dingle was used for the storage of the horses that pulled the roller that maintained the pitch.
When the horses were no longer required, the Dingle was kept separate from the Cricket Grounds and kept as an area of natural beauty. The Dingle was planted with trees as part of the Millennium celebrations by the community and local businesses and today the trees thrive under the untouched beauty of this area.
The area, including the cricket pitch was gifted to the Parish Council who now manage the area allowing flora and fauna to flourish. The Purton Cricket Club continues to manage the Cricket Pitch located to the top of The Dingle.
In 2016 a notice board depicting the area, its wildlife and origins was installed as above picture donates. Future plans for the area including replanting of trees lost through the 2021 AshDie Back epidemic and a program of works planting regional bulbs to include bluebells, snowdrops and cowslips.