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May 20, 2024

A recent bequest from a local man, has helped Purton Parish Council to improve the welcome, for drivers when entering the village.

The generous donation by a local man, John Henry Moreton, in October 2021, was left for the benefit of the community.

This bequest has enabled Purton Parish Council to fund new boundary gates, refurbish older ones and purchase new speed signage.

Work has now been carried out in five locations including Manor Hill, Restrop Road, Upper Pavenhill, Cricklade Road/Widham.

The hope is that these enhancements will offer both a warmer welcome to the Parish and a reminder ford rivers to slow down, before entering the village.

Given the generosity of the bequest, just a quarter of the funds given have been used, for this most recent project, so other future improvements are expected.

No decision has been made as yet, by Purton Parish Council, on what the remainder of the funds will be spent on.

Purton Parish Council’s gift was just one of many local not for profit/charitable donations made by this gentleman to benefit the community.